What Democrazy Looks Like - Whimsically Macabre (Tiny Desk Contest 2017)

If you look closely, you will see a tiny origami desk. It turned out to be the perfect size for a tiny giraffe head. (Having a desk of some sort in your video is a requirement of the contest.)

What Democrazy Looks Like is primarily a piano solo with singing as an accompaniment. It reflects disappointment about the state of our nation, apprehension, and a tiny sliver of hope. May we musicians, artists, and scientists work together to create a better future. 

Stacy is a composer and pianist who has carefully avoided singing in public before this video. Please feel free to verify this by checking out her other works at WhimsicallyMacabre.bandcamp.com. :)  

Thank you to Stoph Long, who just happens to be a scientist, for his encouragement and help with the recording process.

Thank you to NPR for providing this opportunity. It forced me out of my comfort zone.